about the Rapid league
Night ’n Day Otago Nuggets fans can catch a glimpse into the future with this season’s Sky Broadband Rapid League which kicks off on Saturday.
The world-first innovation was brought into the GJ Gardner Homes Tauihi competition last season and provided an opportunity for the country’s young talent to impress.
The Nuggets family can now arrive earlier to a NZNBL game for a bonus shortened game that is played at a fast pace and includes the same Sal’s NBL players that will be playing that same day, minus imports and starters to give local New Zealand players added opportunity.
The competition is designed for increased player development and more entertainment for fans.
The Nuggets’ season opener is against Southland Sharks at Dunedin’s Edgar Centre on Saturday, with Rapid League action starting at 2pm and the main event at 3pm.
Rapid League games will start an hour before NBL games during the home-and-away season, with a winner crowed after that with no finals played.
Games consist of four-minute quarters, with the clock stopping on all whistles.
Teams have a one-minute break between quarters, while half-time lasts for two minutes.